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Fiete Cars

Fiete Cars


休闲益智 | 简中

大小: 71.5M

更新时间: 2021-02-10


Fiete Cars是值得转手游网在2021年02月10日给各位小伙伴带来的一款休闲益智类型游戏, Fiete Cars游戏的版本号为v2.0.0, Android版下载后的大小是71.5M。 不得不说,Fiete Cars简中版评分高达9分。主要是因为游戏界面立绘精致,操作简单,玩法非常有趣。最后友情提示,市面上出现的很多Fiete Cars破解版其实并没有实际效果,希望大家在这里免费下载后能用得开心。

To create individual car games, the children choose between 6 drivers, 20 vehicles, 25 funny building components and lots of special effects, like the farting cushions or speed ramps.

Now NEW: 2 preconstructed car routes to experience immediate driving fun

Build your own world of cars and play in it in whichever way you like!

In Fiete Cars you are the master builder. You can build straight, curvy, dilapidated, bumpy or muddy roads.

Jump over obstacles using the whoopee cushion, crash-land on the speed ramp and use the ski jumps to do breathtaking somersaults into the swimming pool.

Collect stars to unlock all of the building blocks and vehicles inside of the app.

Learn how to combine the building blocks and build huge buildings with elevators and secret portals.

Get into a fast sports-car, an 18-wheeler truck or the unstoppable monster truck and imagine high-speed chases.

Drive the excavator with Grandma Lara, ride in an iconic antique with old Hansen, or in the chick pick-up with your Fiete friend Emma.

And if its just one PS - catch Dolly the horse and gallop through the parking garage you built.

With the kids app Fiete Cars you can invent stories, build customized parkour and decide whether you want to do high-speed stunts, adventurous chases or leisurely drives.

Fiete Cars is a tribute to kids creativity!

点击上方的安卓或者苹果下载即可完成Fiete Cars下载,好游戏值得分享,欢迎大家多来值得转手游网交流热门手游推荐

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